

The Cavapoo, also known as the Cavoodle, is a crossbreed between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, typically forming strong bonds with their families and enjoy spending time with them. These dogs...
Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasian Shepherd

The Caucasian Ovcharka, also known as the Caucasian Sheepdog, Caucasian Shepherd, and Kaukasiche Schaferhund, is a massive working guardian breed hailing from the Caucasus Mountains bordering Europe and Asia. They are renowned for their strong protective instincts....
Catalan Sheepdog

Catalan Sheepdog

The Catalan Sheepdog, also known as the Gos d’Atura Català, is a medium-sized, skilled herding dog with a strong instinct to work livestock. They are known for their ability to control and move sheep and cattle with ease. These dogs are highly intelligent and...
Carolina Dog

Carolina Dog

The Carolina Dog is a newer breed that is often referred to as the American Dingo or Dixie Dingo due to their rather wild lineage. They have a distinctively wild appearance, resembling the ancient pariah dogs, with a medium-sized, muscular build, erect ears, and a...
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Canina

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Canina

Cardigan Welsh Corgis are highly intelligent dogs known for their problem-solving abilities and eagerness to learn. They excel in obedience training and various dog sports. They have a strong herding instinct and may try to herd family members, other pets, or even...