Also known as the Podenco Canario, but commonly referred to as “Canary Hounds”, these lean, agile dogs are avid hunters known to display unwavering loyalty to their families. Podencos are rather unique because it is nearly impossible to trace their...
The Canadian Eskimo Dog is a breed native to the Arctic regions of Canada and is known for its strength, endurance, and adaptability to harsh climates. They are powerful and sturdy dogs with a muscular build. They were traditionally bred to pull sleds and perform...
The Canaan Dog is a versatile and intelligent breed with a long history as a herding and guard dog in the Middle East. They have a strong sense of individuality and may exhibit stubbornness at times. However, they are also responsive to training and can excel in...
Coyote-Dog hybrids, also known as Coydogs, are a rather rare occurrence but do occur naturally under the right circumstances. Coydogs tend to display physical characteristics and personality traits from both their wild and domesticated breed ancestry. They make after...
The Coton de Tulear is a sweet, loveable, and incredibly affectionate breed which has led to its increase in popularity as a family pet. They are a gentle and sociable breed that do well with children and other animals and are very eager to please.