Village Dog Middle Eastern

Village Dog Middle Eastern

Early civilizations in the region, such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians, valued dogs for their hunting abilities, guarding instincts, and companionship. Over time, indigenous breeds of dogs emerged in different regions of the Middle East, shaped by their...
Village Dog Mexico

Village Dog Mexico

Dogs have been present in the Americas for thousands of years, with evidence suggesting that they were among the first animals to be domesticated by indigenous peoples. Early Mexican civilizations, such as the Maya, Aztec, and Zapotec, likely had domesticated dogs...
Village Dog Japanese Or Korean

Village Dog Japanese Or Korean

Japan and Korea have several indigenous dog breeds that have been developed over centuries, including the Shiba Inu, Akita Inu, and Shikoku, among others. While these breeds have specific standards and purposes, village dogs often represent mixed-breed canines that...
Village Dog India

Village Dog India

Indian Indigenous Dogs, also known as Indian Pariah Dogs or Desi Dogs, are landrace dogs native to the Indian subcontinent. These dogs are typically street dogs or village dogs that have evolved over centuries through natural selection. They are highly adaptable to...
Village Dog French Polynesia

Village Dog French Polynesia

Dogs were likely introduced to French Polynesia by early Polynesian settlers who arrived in the region over 1,500 years ago. These dogs accompanied the Polynesians on their voyages across the Pacific and played important roles in their daily lives. Over time, dogs in...